Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Virtual Mentor on Dealing With Terminally Ill Children

Dealing with the terminally ill is difficult. And it is especially difficult when we deal with terminally ill children. Personally, I find it a challenging and exhausting process.

Virtual Mentor :: American Medical Association  Journal of Ethics | virtualmentor.org

Virtual Mentor. July 2010, Volume 12, Number 7: 517-602. Full Issue PDF

July 2010 Contents

Pediatric Palliative Care

From the Editor

Pediatric Palliative Care: Born of Necessity
David Buxton
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Virtual Mentor. 2010; 12:519-521.

Educating for Professionalism

Clinical Cases

Nondisclosure and Emerging Autonomy in a Terminally Ill Teenager
Commentary by Sarah Friebert
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Virtual Mentor. 2010; 12:522-529.

“Please Let Me Hear My Son Cry Once”
Commentary by Wynne Morrison
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Virtual Mentor. 2010; 12:530-534.

An Overwhelmed Parent
Commentary by Robert Macauley
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Virtual Mentor. 2010; 12:535-539.

Medical Education

Microethical and Relational Insights from Pediatric Palliative Care
David M. Browning
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Virtual Mentor. 2010; 12:540-547.

Creating Training Opportunities in Pediatric Palliative Care
Laurie Lyckholm and Kathleen O’Kane Kreutzer
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Virtual Mentor. 2010; 12:548-553.

The Code Says

The AMA Code of Medical Ethics Opinions on Seriously Ill Newborns and Do-Not-Resuscitate Orders
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Virtual Mentor. 2010; 12:554-557.

Clinical Pearl

Artificial Hydration in Pediatric End-of-Life Care
Anne Keeler
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Virtual Mentor. 2010; 12:558-563.

Law, Policy, and Society

Health Law

Legal Restrictions on Decision Making for Children with Life-Threatening Illnesses—CAPTA and the Ashley Treatment
Paula Tironi and Monique M. Karaganis
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Virtual Mentor. 2010; 12:564-568.

Policy Forum

Do-Not-Attempt-Resuscitation Orders in Public Schools
Kathryn L. Weise
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Virtual Mentor. 2010; 12:569-572.

Medicine and Society

Trusting Them With the Truth—Disclosure and the Good Death for Children with Terminal Illness
Hannah L. Kushnick
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Virtual Mentor. 2010; 12:573-577.

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