Sunday, August 29, 2010

Time to Sell Your Hardcopy Books?

John Armstrong blogs about why he is selling off portions of his large library.

Digital Books, the Internet and the Future

Home_Photo_books I am both a reader and a writer. I once had an immense library but I have sold about 60% of it in the last four years. I sold some of my best books earlier this year, removing about 35-40% of my theology section. I confess that this was not easy to do but it became increasingly obvious that it was the right thing to do.

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While I understand his reasoning in doing so, I am not sure it is the 'right' thing to do. I am still in the stage of building my library and is looking into addition space to store my books (I do not have a large basement). Maybe one day I will sell some of my books...maybe one day.


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