Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The Writing Life

Prolific writer and blogger Scot McKnight on The Jesus Creed (now on new host) gave some of his own thoughts on The Writing Life.

Here’s a good (and typical) day, and it would be every day if my school somehow got the idea that funding a professor to write without teaching would be a good idea, and if they’d point my finger at me when they called forward the one they wanted to assign to The Writing Life. Until that day, and I’m not waiting on it, I do this when the day permits.

I get up somewhere between 5 and 5:30am, spend some time pottering around the house doing all the things that folks like me do to rev up the engines for the day, like eating breakfast (Greek yogurt and raw oats), making a cafe latte, saying my prayers and reading the news online, checking on the blog and making sure the tweets are ready for the day. By 7 or 8am, with a second cafe latte in hand, I descend into the bowels of my house (the basement) and get to my desk and sit there — with normal breaks and interruptions — until I’m done, usually by 3pm and occasionally not until 4pm. If I go past 4pm I get a headache.

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That sounds wonderful. I wonder how I can live a writing life like that?.

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