Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Trade in electronics get gift cards

Alert- Wealthy moms cash alert!

Just discovered a way to get cash fast, well actually gift cards. Walmart, Target and Best Buy have an electronics trade-in program, trade in electronics, movies, Dvds, for gift cards.


Read about Walmart's electronics trade-in program HERE you can search for the brands of all the electronics that they accept, get an offer, ship it to them, get a gift card. That easy!


Target calls their program a Eco-friendly get rewards program for electronics and DVD'S, they provide a link to Nextworth trade-in program to get a Target gift card. Check it out HERE.


Best Buy website has trade-in categories to check the estimate value and the good thing about their program is you can bring the item into the store OR ship it and get the Best Buy gift card. Check out their entire program HERE

Personally I love getting and using gift cards, we just purchased a refrigerator using gift cards at Best Buy this weekend and it was tax free weekend for energy efficient refrigerators, we got a great deal tax free! I will be using these programs very soon what about you?  

Thanks to DFW Mommy for bringing this program to my attention and about a sale Target has on cutlery.

Trade in electronics get gift cards

Alert- Wealthy moms cash alert!

Just discovered a way to get cash fast, well actually gift cards. Walmart, Target and Best Buy have an electronics trade-in program, trade in electronics, movies, Dvds, for gift cards.


Read about Walmart's electronics trade-in program HERE you can search for the brands of all the electronics that they accept, get an offer, ship it to them, get a gift card. That easy!


Target calls their program a Eco-friendly get rewards program for electronics and DVD'S, they provide a link to Nextworth trade-in program to get a Target gift card. Check it out HERE.


Best Buy website has trade-in categories to check the estimate value and the good thing about their program is you can bring the item into the store OR ship it and get the Best Buy gift card. Check out their entire program HERE

Personally I love getting and using gift cards, we just purchased a refrigerator using gift cards at Best Buy this weekend and it was tax free weekend for energy efficient refrigerators, we got a great deal tax free! I will be using these programs very soon what about you?  

Thanks to DFW Mommy for bringing this program to my attention and about a sale Target has on cutlery.

Mono-lingual Christians?

Dr Roland Chia gave an interview to the Christian Post on Christians Need to Love Before, For God: Theologian

Dr. Roland Chia. (Photo: The Christian Post)
The challenge for Christian discipleship today, according to theologian Roland Chia, is to help Christians recognise that they live their lives Coram Deo or in the presence of God and that everything they do must be done for His glory.

One of the most important emphases in Christian nurture has to do with the removal of the artificial dichotomy between the secular and the sacred.

"There are no private spheres, no secular spaces," said Dr. Chia.

Most Christians understand this at a theoretical or ideational level, he added.

The challenge is to help Christians to recognise the implications of that truth in their thinking and relationships and in the things that they do.

According to the theologian, the true goal of Christian discipleship is to live one's life before God and for His glory.

"To do this requires faith, discipline, prayer, wisdom and courage on the part of the Christian," he said.

Dr. Chia shared his reflections in an email interview with The Christian Post. The interview revolved around ways to encourage Singapore Christians to live more biblically.

Christians need to learn to be 'mono-lingual', to have an appreciation of reality that is informed by the Christian worldview. Elaborating he said: "They sometimes look at reality through the prism of secularism, pragmatism, relativism and pluralism.

Mono-lingual Christians would look at economics, science, the arts and education through the account of reality provided by the Scriptures.

"For the mono-lingual Christian, everything is theological," said the theologian. Everything must be understood from the standpoint of the revelation of God in Jesus Christ, he explained.

Unfortunately most Christians are not mono-lingual but bi-lingual, he observed.read more 

It is interesting that Chia uses mono-lingual and bi-lingual  to describe worldviews but I assume that he is using them as metaphors rather than equating linguistic with ontology. However, it does beg the question whether it is possible for anyone to be mono-lingual and yet live in our multi-cultural, multi-religious and pluralistic world.


Biking in the Summer Coloring Pages

Summer Coloring Pages
Biking in the Summer Coloring Pages

Sunday, May 29, 2011

A Fragile Stone

A Fragile Stone
Performed by Michael Card
Words and Music by Michael Card & Scott Roley

You bore the burden of a name
Along a road that would lead to the cross
Bold and broken, upside down
A light for the least and the lost

He called you the rock, the foundation
Of a temple formed from God's love
His robe of forgiveness wrapping you up
Meant trusting in Him was enough

His love called you out on the water
And held you when you were alone
For you were the rock that was
Broken by love, forever the fragile stone

His love was the hammer that broke you
By His gentle and powerful hand
The mystery of mercy undid your denials
At last you could finally stand

The door that He opened was freedom
The door that He closed was your fear
Simply to rest in the arms of His love
Made all your doubts disappear
A stone that is dropped in the water
Will vanish and soon disappear
But the waves that move out from the center
In time they will reach everywhere


Saturday, May 28, 2011

Christmas Family Coloring Pages

Christmas is a family-orinted festival involving everyone's participation in preparations of Christmas eve. They together collectively work out to have best christmas party, decorations and gift exchange with guests & relatives. Watch out these Christmas Family Coloring Pages which shows family standing with Santa, decorating their house, placing tree, shopping and other scenes.

Christmas Game Coloring Pages

Christmas brings with it playful holiday time for kids to enjoy activities, games, coloring and creative fun-filled work. Gaming and coloring togther make great combination just like the ones available here in the form of Christmas Game Coloring Pages. Puzzle, word search, arranging and other gaming options could be added to these sheets.

Christmas Fireplace Coloring Pages

Color these blank pictuers of fireplace decorated with wreaths, garlands and stockings are hung for Santa to place some gifts inside them. View these pictures of Christmas Fireplace Coloring Pages to download and gift these easy printable sheet to your little kids and angels.

Anime Christmas Coloring Pages

Enjoy the unlimited range of coloring material based on anime cartoons celebrating Xmas festive holidays in a group. Select from any of these listed Anime Christmas Coloring Pages for gifting to others. Hope, our viewers love these printable based on sheets.

Friday, May 27, 2011



There once was a woman who woke up one morning, looked in the mirror,

and noticed she had only three hairs on her head.

'Well,' she said, 'I think I'll braid my hair today.'

So she did and she had a wonderful day.

The next day she woke up, looked in the mirror

and saw that she had only two hairs on her head.

'H-M-M,' she said, 'I think I'll part my hair down the middle today.'

So she did and she had a grand day.

The next day she woke up, looked in the mirror and noticed

that she had only one hair on her head.

'Well,' she said, 'today I'm going to wear my hair in a pony tail.'

So she did, and she had a fun, fun day.

The next day she woke up, looked in the mirror and

noticed that there wasn't a single hair on her head.

'YAY!' she exclaimed. 'I don't have to fix my hair today!'

Attitude is everything.

Be kinder than necessary,

for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle. Live simply, Love generously, Care deeply, Speak kindly, and reflect continually. Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass...

It's about learning to dance in the rain.
Its about Enjoying the rain while it pours on our faces.

It's not what you gather, but what you scatter that tells what kind of life you have lived. 
Life is too short to wake up with regrets.
Love the people who treat you right and be kind to the ones who don’t.

Random Glimpses from My Desktop (19)

Thursday, May 26, 2011

John Wesley Quotes

Here are ten interesting John Wesley quotes from the Logos blog

Ten Thought-Provoking John Wesley Quotes


  1. “Every one, though born of God in an instant, yet undoubtedly grows by slow degrees.” —from a letter in the Works of John Wesley
  2. “No circumstances can make it necessary for a man to burst in sunder all the ties of humanity. It can never be necessary for a rational being to sink himself below a brute.” —from Thoughts upon Slavery in the Works of John Wesley
  3. “When I was young I was sure of everything. In a few years, having been mistaken a thousand times, I was not half so sure of most things as I was before. At present, I am hardly sure of anything but what God has revealed to me.” —from a letter in the Works of John Wesley
  4. “Though I am always in haste, I am never in a hurry.” —from a letter in the Works of John Wesley
  5. “Having, First, gained all you can, and, Secondly saved all you can, Then give all you can.” —from a sermon in the Works of John Wesley
  6. “Passion and prejudice govern the world; only under the name of reason. It is our part, by religion and reason joined, to counteract them all we can.” —from a letter in the Works of John Wesley
  7. “Though we cannot think alike, may we not love alike? May we not be of one heart, though we are not of one opinion? Without all doubt, we may. Herein all the children of God may unite, notwithstanding these smaller differences.” —from a sermon in the Works of John Wesley
  8. “Never dream of forcing men into the ways of God. Think yourself, and let think. Use no constraint in matters of religion. Even those who are farthest out of the way never compel to come in by any other means than reason, truth, and love.” —from a sermon in the Works of John Wesley
  9. “Give me one hundred men who fear nothing but sin and desire nothing but God, and I care not whether they be clergyman or laymen, they alone will shake the gates of Hell and set up the kingdom of Heaven upon the earth.” —from a letter in the Works of John Wesley
  10. “It cannot be that the people should grow in grace unless they give themselves to reading. A reading people will always be a knowing people.” —from a letter in the Works of John Wesley
read more


A Chocolate guilt free delight

Chocolate guilt free, is that possible? Well if not taken to the extreme. I ate Jello lo-cal chocolate pudding from time to time, which helped me to lose 60 lbs while satisfying a sweet tooth, no the pudding didn't help me lose the weight, I used this program and I watched my food intake, for excercise I walked. But to satisfy my sweet tooth I ate lo-cal goodies once in a while.

Even tho I ate jello puddings and Cool whip separately I never thought to put them together:
Photo Courtesy of Twig and Thistle 

Not until I read a post on TwigandThistle Blog titled "Guilt Free Mousse" of course her photo's helped to get my attention as well 

Photo from Kraft foods

See what I mean? Got my attention all right. I got to thinking what else other than mousse in a cup could it be used for,  I came up with putting it in a pie crust to make a delicious Chocolate cream pie, instead of putting more cool whip on the top of the pie allow each guest to put a dollop of cream on their individual piece.  Fold two tablespoons of fat free cool whip into 60 calorie pudding gives you a 75 calorie dessert!

Add Banana slices, strawberries, white chocolate pieces, put it in a pretty glass and first put cool whip than the mousse and keep varying it for a pretty presentation. Use it as a filling in cupcakes or a cake, Add Amaretto for a grownup dessert. How about freezing it to make a popsicle. WOW, all this goodness from one inspired idea! Thanks Twig and Thistle! 
Please leave a comment and let us know what other ways this recipe could be used..

A Chocolate guilt free delight

Chocolate guilt free, is that possible? Well if not taken to the extreme. I ate Jello lo-cal chocolate pudding from time to time, which helped me to lose 60 lbs while satisfying a sweet tooth, no the pudding didn't help me lose the weight, I used this program and I watched my food intake, for excercise I walked. But to satisfy my sweet tooth I ate lo-cal goodies once in a while.

Even tho I ate jello puddings and Cool whip separately I never thought to put them together:
Photo Courtesy of Twig and Thistle 

Not until I read a post on TwigandThistle Blog titled "Guilt Free Mousse" of course her photo's helped to get my attention as well 

Photo from Kraft foods

See what I mean? Got my attention all right. I got to thinking what else other than mousse in a cup could it be used for,  I came up with putting it in a pie crust to make a delicious Chocolate cream pie, instead of putting more cool whip on the top of the pie allow each guest to put a dollop of cream on their individual piece.  Fold two tablespoons of fat free cool whip into 60 calorie pudding gives you a 75 calorie dessert!

Add Banana slices, strawberries, white chocolate pieces, put it in a pretty glass and first put cool whip than the mousse and keep varying it for a pretty presentation. Use it as a filling in cupcakes or a cake, Add Amaretto for a grownup dessert. How about freezing it to make a popsicle. WOW, all this goodness from one inspired idea! Thanks Twig and Thistle! 
Please leave a comment and let us know what other ways this recipe could be used..

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Evangelical Exegetical Commentary

Logos Bible Software -- NewsWire!

Evangelical Exegetical Commentary (44 vols.)    

Evangelical Exegetical Commentary (44 vols.)

Retail Price: $2,195.95
Pre-Pub Price: $749.95
Learn More   Buy Now!  
A few years ago, a core group of Bible scholars began to dream of what a new Bible commentary could look like . . .
What if a new commentary series could be published—a kind of commentary pastors could use for sermon preparation, and a standard reference work seminary students could consult for exegetical research? What if this commentary was designed and written primarily for a digital environment—and especially for use in Logos Bible Software?
The Evangelical Exegetical Commentary began out of those conversations.
Now, that dream is about to become a reality. In just a few days, the first volume in this brand new commentary series will be released.

Individual Titles

  • Genesis, William Barrick
  • Exodus, Eugene Carpenter
  • Leviticus, Richard Averbeck
  • Numbers, R. Dennis Cole
  • Deuteronomy, Eugene Merrill
  • Joshua, Ralph Hawkins
  • Judges, Fred Mabie
  • Ruth, Ronald Youngblood
  • 1 & 2 Samuel, Harry Hoffner
  • 1 & 2 Kings, John Oswalt
  • 1 & 2 Chronicles, Eugene Mayhew
  • Ezra & Nehemiah, Israel Loken
  • Esther, Anthony Tomasino
  • Job, Duane Garrett
  • Psalms, Ronald B. Allen
  • Proverbs, author TBA
  • Ecclesiastes & Song of Solomon, author TBA
  • Isaiah, Todd S. Beall
  • Jeremiah & Lamentations, Walter C. Kaiser, Jr.
  • Ezekiel, Mark Rooker
  • Daniel, Randall Price
  • Hosea, Joel, & Obadiah, Gary Yates
  • Amos, Jonah, & Micah, Michael Grisanti
  • Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi, Dorian Coover-Cox
  • Matthew, David Lowery
  • Mark, author TBA
  • Luke, Stanley E. Porter
  • John, W. Hall Harris
  • Acts, Douglas Huffman
  • Romans, Edwin Blum
  • 1 Corinthians, H. Wayne House
  • 2 Corinthians, Andrew W. Pitts
  • Galatians, Michael Burer
  • Ephesians, Steve Baugh
  • Philippians, Mark Keown
  • Colossians & Philemon, H. Wayne House and Seth Ehorn
  • 1 & 2 Thessalonians, Robert Thomas
  • 1 & 2 Timothy, Titus, Steve Stanley
  • Hebrews, Buist Fanning
  • James, William Varner
  • 1 & 2 Peter, Jude, Edward Glenny and Herbert Bateman
  • 1, 2, & 3 John, Gary Derickson
  • Revelation, Michael Stallard

Benefits of the Logos Bible Software Edition

The publication of the Evangelical Exegetical Commentary by Logos marks the first time a major Bible commentary series has been published in digital form before its print counterpart—and the first time it has been published with a digital format in mind.


Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Are You a Paper Crafter?

Of all the crafts I have tried I like paper crafts the most, love making greeting cards and using paper kits for other uses as well. There are a lot of paper craft kits out there one of my favorite places to get BEAUTIFUL  kits with flowers, ribbons, colorful pattern papers, is TwoPeasInABucket  I check out their Gallery for some great INSPIRATION! 

A PAPER CAKE! How cool is that? 

I found this inspiration card with butterflies and flowers :
Project-Butterfly Card By- by Websters Pages

This card has all the elements I like, Butterflies, Flowers, Country Estate paper kit !
Look at how they used Butterflies and Flowers, 
Project Butterfly Card- 

Paper Butterfly Wreath

Linking to

Are You a Paper Crafter?

Of all the crafts I have tried I like paper crafts the most, love making greeting cards and using paper kits for other uses as well. There are a lot of paper craft kits out there one of my favorite places to get BEAUTIFUL  kits with flowers, ribbons, colorful pattern papers, is TwoPeasInABucket  I check out their Gallery for some great INSPIRATION! 

A PAPER CAKE! How cool is that? 

I found this inspiration card with butterflies and flowers :
Project-Butterfly Card By- by Websters Pages

This card has all the elements I like, Butterflies, Flowers, Country Estate paper kit !
Look at how they used Butterflies and Flowers, 
Project Butterfly Card- 

Paper Butterfly Wreath

Linking to