Thursday, November 24, 2011

Maintaining an Authentic Spirituality

Francis Schaeffer described true or authentic spirituality as “ we are to love  God, we are to be alive to him, we are to be in communion with him, in this present moment of history. And we are to love men, to be alive to men as men, and to be in communication on a personal level with men, in this present moment of history”(italics his). Evelyn Underhill summarised it as communion with God and co-operation with God.
Hence authentic spirituality begins with God. It begins with a divine call, rebirth and conversion (John 3:3-8; Acts 2:38-39) and continues with sanctification. It requires divine grace and our willing co-operation. It involves our inner and outward lives. It involves the integration of ours lives as we are being restored by the Holy Spirit. The goal is to become more like Christ (Eph 4:13-16).

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