Sunday, June 27, 2010

Biomedical Ethics Course-the Aftermath

Dr Alex TanBiomedical Ethics & the Contemporary Church

18, 19, 25, 26 June 2010

Fridays: 2.00 pm to 5.00 pm;

Saturdays 9.00 am to 4.00 pm

Advances in medical treatment modalities, biotechnological innovations, and genetic-molecular manipulations have brought about unique challenges to issues faced by the church today. In this class, a pastoral-theological approach will be used to examine, reflect and develop responses to difficult moral and ethical issues such as test tube and designer babies, facts and fallacies of stem cell therapies, cloning, abortion, mercy-killing, living will, gene therapy, and aesthetic surgery

I have had a great time with an excellent group of enthusiastic students.

Here are some of their comments on facebook.

Ee Yuing 玉盈, Jean Lai, Brian Aja and 2 others like this.

Si Baw Mi Si Baw Mi
We really did. For the first time I felt that block class is kinda short :)
Saturday at 8:48pm

Kok Meng Chan Kok Meng Chan
Interesting and exciting! For the first time, after 2 years in school, I saw more than 90% of the students actively participating in the class discussions. Sometimes, the arguments lasted even longer than the lectures and class presentations. Usually, I don't talked that much in the other classes. Thank you, Dr Tang!
Saturday at 11:16pm ·

Jason CH Yap Jason CH Yap
Hear, hear! Great fun, totally educational ... Thanks!
Saturday at 11:18pm ·

Ee Yuing 玉盈 Ee Yuing 玉盈
It was intense but I learned much from you and the rest of the classmates! Thank you, Alex! :)
Yesterday at 7:06am ·

Boo Hui Ling Boo Hui Ling
Yeah, yeah! I love it too - teacher, classmates, textbooks, homework and course contents! Wahaha oh ya going to hand in my last reflection paper soon ;p

Soli Deo Gloria

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