Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Struthers on Pornography and the Male Brain

I have read the book recently and find it a fascinating read with many new insights.

This Week in LeadershipThis Is Your Brain on Porn
The science behind the struggle, and how the church can help.

William Struthers is dedicated to understanding the brain. In his role as associate professor of psychology at Wheaton College (IL), Struthers teaches courses on behavioral neuroscience—biological reasons why people make the decisions they do. In Wired for Intimacy: How pornography hijacks the male brain (IVP, 2009), Struthers explores the science behind why men find pornography compelling, what it does to their brains, and how they can find freedom. Leadership associate editor Brandon O'Brien spoke with Struthers to find out how pastors can help men break the patterns of pornography abuse.

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