Monday, November 29, 2010


My Advent word for today is Anticipation. I did not grow up in a Christian family so Christmas and Christmas presents did not have a influential role in my life until I became a Christian during my University days. My parents were worshippers of the traditional Chinese religion which is a combination of Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism. It is later in life that they both became Christians. My family were not rich, in fact we were living just above the poverty line but there is love and we have what we need. I remember that I always look forward to the Chinese New Year which mean a new set of clothes, an angpow (containing usually two dollars- which is a fortune to a little boy) and good food. The last month of the lunar year is often spent in anticipation of the coming of the Chinese New Year festival.

Now as an adult and as a Christian, this season reminds me of my anticipation of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. As I look around at the deteriorating and worrying situation of the state of my country and of others around the world, I look forward to the peace of the Millenial kingdom of Jesus Christ. I also look forward to a time when there is an end to suffering and pain, and the whole creation is restored to its former state of goodness and wholeness.

Maranatha, Come, Jesus, Come.


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