Sunday, November 28, 2010


Today, my word of Advent meditation is Waiting.

Waiting is not something that comes naturally to me. I am by nature very impatient, stressed by an internal clock that seems to be set on fast forward. I want it (things, events etc) and I WANT IT NOW! I try to imagine Mary's experience as she waited slowly for the unborn child, who is to be called Immanuel, the long awaited Messiah, forming inside her womb for the natural duration of her pregnancy. I cannot imagine the thoughts and her emotions as this 'miracle' baby grew bigger and bigger making it obvious to everyone that she is pregnant. I cannot imagine the words of the angel playing through her mind as she pondered this being inside of her. Was Mary impatient? Was she contented to allow the events to unfold? Waiting.

Two thousand years ago, the whole of creation waited with abated breath for the arrival of God incarnate.

Soli Deo Gloria

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