Saturday, January 15, 2011

Free eBook from Logos about Robert McCheyne

Memoir and Remains of the Rev. Robert Murray McCheyne Logos Bible Software has partnered with Desiring God to provide you with a free book to help you prepare for the 2011 Desiring God National Conference, January 31–February 2, 2011 in Minneapolis, MN.
John Piper’s session will focus on Robert Murray McCheyne. McCheyne (sometimes spelled M’Cheyne) was an influential nineteenth-century Scottish Presbyterian minister and missionary. Although he died of typhus at 29, McCheyne left behind a legacy of writings which revealed a depth and piety beyond his years.
McCheyne is also known for the creation of a Bible reading system that is still in use today. The McCheyne Bible reading plan walks you through the New Testament and the Psalms twice over the course of a year, while leading you through the Old Testament once. You can access the McCheyne Reading Plan in Logos 4 and keep track of it online at or on your iPhone and iPad.

To help you prepare for Pastor Piper’s session, and to familiarize yourself with McCheyne, we are giving away a free copy of Memoir and Remains of the Rev. Robert Murray McCheyne. You can begin reading it now, or on your iPhone or iPad on your flight or drive to MN.
This biography, written a year after McCheyne’s death, includes a detailed and insightful portrayal of McCheyne’s youth and ministry, providing personal anecdotes, as well as quotes and poems from McCheyne. Written by Andrew Bonar, a close, personal friend of McCheyne’s, this book will enhance your understanding and appreciation of this devoted man of God.

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