Monday, January 24, 2011

KOINOS online

This is what I like. A lay-person centered training made freely available online. Do we have something like this in Malaysian and Singapore?

KOINOS online - A Certificate in Christian Education

101: Bible OT NT Ethics Theology Worship Spirituality Ministry History Mission
201: OT Theology Doctrine of the Trinity Letters of John Sermon on the Mount Varieties of Evangelical Theology Jesus and Chinese Culture Christianity in Asia Today The Church in the City Ten Commandments for Today Christian Discernment
KOINOS is a program developed by Pacific Association for Theological Studies (Seattle), an association of churches and educational institutions linked together to make theological education accessible. Several thousand lay men and women (plus several dozen clergy) have participated. The curriculum was developed by asking, 'If one were to create a MA degree, what would be the 10 basic subjects that would be included?' In this way, certain subjects were identified as fundamental, and these are offered in the form of one-day seminars (each consisting of about five lectures), once a month. The world-class faculty are all scholar-teachers who teach regularly in graduate degree programs. KOINOS is facilitated by the generous support of Richmond Chinese Alliance Church, B.C. Canada.


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