Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Ash Wednesday 2011

I am reposting this poem that I wrote for Ash Wednesday 2009

Today I wear the mark of the cross on my forehead,
visible black cross reminder of righteousness aforesaid.
stained mark from last year's burnt palm leaves
black on white, opportunity for repentance gives

Repentance done for repentance needed in words and deeds,
unconfessed sins unconfessed, sin and more sins will breed.
Repentance for grace undeserved, begins the season of Lent,
undeserved, unbidden, unexpected salvation was sent.

Darkness is my heart where selfishness sings evermore,
ego and pride above goodness and holiness soar.
Come, Holy Spirit, come breath of God, to my sorry plight,
Cleanse me, mould me, straighten me, to make me right.

Soli Deo Gloria

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