Friday, March 25, 2011

Spiritual Formation Institute Seminar on Stories Jesus Told

Spiritual Formation Institute Seminar 2011/1

The Stories that Jesus Told -Exploring the Challenge of His Parables

Speaker: Rev Dr Lim Kar Yong

Synopsis of Seminar
Jesus is a master storyteller. But the parables he tells are more than interesting plotlines that captivate his audience. They reveal the character of God and his kingdom, announce the expectation God has for his people, and challenge the assumptions of the hearers in order to orientate their lives in the light of the coming of the kingdom. We will carry out an in-depth study of selected parables of Jesus to learn afresh the impact and challenge they have in our lives today.

Date :
Saturday 2.00pm- 9.30pm, Saturday 26 March 2011
Place :
Berea, Holy Light Church,           
11-C, Jalan Gertak Merah
Johor Bahru, Malaysia


Session 1 Why did Jesus tell parables?

The Parables of the Kingdom:
Sower or Sowing? (Mark 4:1-20)

Session 2 Parables of the Revelation of God:

The Unforgiving Servant (Matt 18:21-35)
The Complaining Employees (Matt 20:1-16)

Session 3 Parables of Discipleship and Christian Life:

Who is my Neighbour? (Luke 10:25-37)
Who is my Lost Brother? (Luke 15:1-32)
What is my Prayer? (Luke 18:9-14)

About the Speaker:
Rev Lim’s research interests include Pauline studies, the Corinthian correspondence, narrative criticism, social-scientific approaches to the New Testament, the use of the Old Testament in the New Testament, and the integration of New Testament studies with mission. He spends the rest of his free time stalking his friends on Facebook, reading and enjoying a cup of coffee.

(Seminar cost RM20.00 includes refreshment,dinner and seminar notes)
Please register with Sister Grace Soon of HLCE (Tel:07-2243285)

Other forthcoming SFI seminars

12 March 2011 - Spiritual Formation Seminar by Dr Alex Tang

09 April 2011 - Christian Approach to Chinese Beliefs and Culture by Canon Daniel Tong

14 May 2011 - Spiritual Formation in Children by Dr Alex Tang

20 August 2011 - Training for Teachers in Children Ministry by Mona Chia

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