Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Karl Barth, Confucius and Korean Theology

Myers in his blogpost

On Korean theology, and Karl Barth's reception in Korea

in Faith and Theology gave a fascinating perspective of Karl Barth and his influence on Korean theology.

There’s an extremely valuable analysis of all this in the excellent study by Young-Gwan Kim, Karl Barth’s Reception in Korea: Focusing on Ecclesiology in Relation to Korean Christian Thought (Peter Lang 2003). Kim provides a broad account of the institutional and denominational contexts of Barth’s reception in Korea. He argues that the distinctiveness of Korean Barth-reception has much to do with the culture’s deep Confucian heritage, and with the intimate connection between Confucianism and the rise of Christianity in Korea. (It was Confucian scholars who first translated the Bible into Korean: Confucianism is already entwined with the roots of Korean Christianity.) After tracing the broad history of Barth’s reception in Korea, Kim provides an extensive analysis (pp. 225-324) of the work of Sung-Bum Yun. Although he is critical of Yun’s tendency towards philosophical abstraction (it becomes hard to see where the salvation-event fits into his elaborate system of Tao, jen, and filial piety), he concludes: “we cannot deny Yun’s insistence that Korean Christianity is strikingly a Confucian-influenced Christianity and that therefore the indigenization of Karl Barth’s theology within the Korean Confucian context is a viable theological enterprise” (p. 324).

read more here

Rabbit and Easter Egg Coloring Pages

Easter Coloring Pages,easter
Rabbit and Easter Egg Coloring Pages

2 Rabbit Say "Happy Easter" Coloring Pages

Easter Coloring Pages,easter
2 Rabbit Say "Happy Easter" Coloring Pages

Monday, March 28, 2011

Spiritual Formation Institute Seminar on Chinese Beliefs and Culture

SFI Seminar 2011/2

The Christian Approach to Chinese Beliefs and Culture

Date:             2.00pm - 9.30pm, Saturday 9 April 2011

Place:            Berea, Holy Light Church
                     11-C, Jalan Gertak Merah, 80100 Johor Bahru, Malaysia

Speaker:         Canon Daniel Tong

Cost :              RM 20.00 (inclusive of seminar materials, refreshment and dinner)

Registration:     Please register with Sister Grace Soon of HLCE (Tel:07-2243285)

Synopsis of seminar

Session 1: Chinese Traditions
Believers in Christ desire to honour and please Him, but do often struggle with doing so while yet respecting and continuing to uphold the ethnic cultural heritage that is ours as Chinese. This struggle between faith and culture is not something new. In this session, principles with which to evaluate the acceptability or not of a cultural belief and practice to the teaching of the Bible will be presented. A number of Chinese festivals will be explored so to help participants understand how these principles are to be applied. 

      Session 2: Ancestral Veneration
The call to honour our father and mother is universal. In Chinese tradition, this thought has been extended to the care of and obedience to our dearly departed. What does the Bible have to say about this? What are we to make of the traditional practices of venerating our departed ancestors? In this session, we will seek to better understand the Chinese perspective, and determine that which is acceptable or unacceptable for us who believe in Christ. 

                          Session 3: Feng Shui 

The Chinese have practiced Feng Shui for thousands of years, but how much do we really understand this practise? Is it really a science? Why do people engage in this practise? Feng Shui has enjoyed renewed interest in South East Asia in recent years. In this session, we will explore the origin of this practise and seek a deeper understand of its primary principles. This will provide us with a better basis with which to decide on whether or not we should engage in Feng Shui.

Biodata of speaker:
Canon Daniel Tong is Vicar of the Chapel of the Resurrection – a Parish under the Diocese of Singapore (Anglican), the Chaplain of the Saint Andrew’s Junior College and author of three books – A Biblical Approach to Chinese Traditions and Beliefs, A Biblical Approach to Feng Shui and Divination, and Praying Right

all are invited.

Other forthcoming SFI seminars

12 March 2011 - Spiritual Formation Seminar by Dr Alex Tang

14 May 2011 - Spiritual Formation in Children by Dr Alex Tang

20 August 2011 - Training for Teachers in Children Ministry by Mona Chia

Disney Easter Eggs Coloring Pages -Dalmatian

Easter Coloring Pages,easter

Disney Easter Eggs Coloring Pages -Dalmatian

Friday, March 25, 2011

Spiritual Formation Institute Seminar on Stories Jesus Told

Spiritual Formation Institute Seminar 2011/1

The Stories that Jesus Told -Exploring the Challenge of His Parables

Speaker: Rev Dr Lim Kar Yong

Synopsis of Seminar
Jesus is a master storyteller. But the parables he tells are more than interesting plotlines that captivate his audience. They reveal the character of God and his kingdom, announce the expectation God has for his people, and challenge the assumptions of the hearers in order to orientate their lives in the light of the coming of the kingdom. We will carry out an in-depth study of selected parables of Jesus to learn afresh the impact and challenge they have in our lives today.

Date :
Saturday 2.00pm- 9.30pm, Saturday 26 March 2011
Place :
Berea, Holy Light Church,           
11-C, Jalan Gertak Merah
Johor Bahru, Malaysia


Session 1 Why did Jesus tell parables?

The Parables of the Kingdom:
Sower or Sowing? (Mark 4:1-20)

Session 2 Parables of the Revelation of God:

The Unforgiving Servant (Matt 18:21-35)
The Complaining Employees (Matt 20:1-16)

Session 3 Parables of Discipleship and Christian Life:

Who is my Neighbour? (Luke 10:25-37)
Who is my Lost Brother? (Luke 15:1-32)
What is my Prayer? (Luke 18:9-14)

About the Speaker:
Rev Lim’s research interests include Pauline studies, the Corinthian correspondence, narrative criticism, social-scientific approaches to the New Testament, the use of the Old Testament in the New Testament, and the integration of New Testament studies with mission. He spends the rest of his free time stalking his friends on Facebook, reading and enjoying a cup of coffee.

(Seminar cost RM20.00 includes refreshment,dinner and seminar notes)
Please register with Sister Grace Soon of HLCE (Tel:07-2243285)

Other forthcoming SFI seminars

12 March 2011 - Spiritual Formation Seminar by Dr Alex Tang

09 April 2011 - Christian Approach to Chinese Beliefs and Culture by Canon Daniel Tong

14 May 2011 - Spiritual Formation in Children by Dr Alex Tang

20 August 2011 - Training for Teachers in Children Ministry by Mona Chia

Welcome Spring Coloring Pages

Spring Coloring Pages,Coloring Pages Spring

Welcome Spring Coloring Pages

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Lenten Focus: Following Jesus (3)

Batman, Inc and Spiritual Multiplication

I first came across Batman Incorporated in my Christmas 2010 reading.

From Wiki

Batman Incorporated (also known as Batman, Inc.) is an American comic book ongoing series, written by Grant Morrison and featuring Batman, that began in 2010. The debut of the series follows the events of Final Crisis, Batman and Robin and The Return of Bruce Wayne where, after being stranded in the distant past and believed dead, Bruce Wayne has returned to the present day DC Universe and is prepared to take his war on crime to the next level, by essentially "franchising" it and drafting, training and commanding a global team of heroes who will answer to Batman himself.
According to an article in the New York Post and DC Comics themselves, Dick Grayson will retain the role of Batman in Gotham City as Bruce Wayne travels across the world, seeking to use the symbolic power Batman has on a global scale. Wayne will also be featured wearing a new costume designed by David Finch, to further distinguish him from Grayson. Batwoman, who had previously guest-starred in Morrison's Batman and Robin series, will appear in issue #4 as part of a lead-in to her new ongoing series.
I still cannot get over the idea of Batman starting a franchise. For a man who is not super or meta powered, not invulnerable but dependent on his wit and gadgetry to survive, he has been doing well. However part of his ethos is that he is a loner, a creature of the night so that he strikes fear into the hearts of criminals. Coming into the light and organising a franchise of 'batmans' is just not in his character. Also many of his wards or apprentices that he has take on especially the Jason Todd Robin and Stephanie did not fare well. Dick Grayson was literally forced to become the Batman of Gotham when he was doing so well as Nightwing. Batman/Bruce Wayne is not able to produce another crimefighter like him. He was not doing too well in the mentoring department.

Often, what started as a one person enterprise may not translate well into a multi-persons organisations. While the present fad in management is succession planning, not every leader is good in training or equiping his or her successor. When I was a young in faith Christian I was 'trained' by a campus ministry with a strong emphasis on disciplemaking. I was taught a 'principle' that allegedly is from the apostle Paul. Paul writes to Timothy in 2 Timthy 2:2  "The things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses, entrust to reliable men who will also be qualified to teach others". In this verse, Paul allegedly gives Timothy a vision of success that depends on succession. Specifically, this vision spans four spiritual generations. The faith is passed from Christ to Paul; Paul to Timothy; Timothy to reliable men; reliable men to others. This vision is one of natural spiritual reproduction: make disciples who can make disciples.

I was taught how to be a disciple (note that I did not automatically become a disciple when I was born-again but have to be fulfil certain criterions to become one!), some Bible study and ministry skills and told to make more disciples like me. I actually bought into the disciplemaking multiplication table and believed that I could help to make the whole world Christian in 34 years!

Unfortunately I was never able to make disciples beyond the second generation (guess it must be my fault the world is not Christian yet). After 20 years I begin to question the disciplemaking paradigm. I now believe that the apostle Paul never meant 2 Tim. 2:2 to become a principle but as descriptive of Timothy's ministry. I also learnt that disciplemaking and discipleship is not about learning skills but about following Jesus. Discipleship is not following other disciples but following Christ himself. It is in the following of Jesus that I become like him.

Why do I follow Jesus? To become like him.

Meditation: We become like Jesus by following him


Spring Children Coloring Page

Spring Children Coloring Page

Spring Coloring Pages

Spring Bouquet Coloring Page

Spring Bouquet Coloring Page

Spring Coloring Pages

Spring Lambs Coloring Page

Spring Lambs Coloring Page

Spring Coloring Pages

What Will Karl Barth Do?

§ 7.2 Dogmatics as Science and § 7.3 The Problem of Dogmatic Prolegomena are the conclusion of Karl Barth’s section § 7 The Word of God, Dogma and Dogmatics. In this long introduction to the series (prolegomena which means long long long introduction) Barth sets out his thoughts on the Word of God and Church proclamation. His concern is how closely does Church proclamation matches the Word of God. He took issue with the Roman Catholic and the Orthodox traditions who presume that both are identical.

Is Karl Barth a mystic? No one who has read his readings will in any way link him with the great mystics of the Church. Yet there is a sense of mysticism in the reverent and distance he places on mystery of the Word of God and how it is inadequately proclaimed and interpreted by the Church. At one stroke he shook the epidemiological and ontological foundations of systematic theology like the recent 8.9 earthquake in Japan.

Barth divides dogmatics into regular and irregular. Regular are the curriculum-based approach in theological schools and colleges. Irregular dogmatics is what happens out of these formal institutions of learning and happens at the grassroot levels. Barth seems to be more sympathetic to irregular dogmatics being done by the people of God in the context of their communities in their space and time.

For example, I wonder what Barth will do concerning the situation in Malaysia. In Malaysia, Islam is the dominant religion while the constitution guarantees the freedom for people to practice other religious traditions. Muslims makes up approximately 70% of the population while Christians about 10%. Most Christians are living in East Malaysia and are mainly of indigenous tribal people. The government is lead by a Muslim dominated political party and its officials are mainly Muslims. There is a steady erosion of the freedom for other religious systems in the years following the nation’s independence.

The Christian community is represented by the Christian Federation of Malaysia (which includes Protestants and Catholics). The Christians is also represented in another multi-religious committee in dealing with the government. The interactions can be described as firefighting. The Malaysian government will propose an action that impinges on the religious rights of others. The representatives respond often by press statements and then some backdoor negotiations. The government offers a compromise which is accepted by the representatives. Often the compromise involves the religious bodies giving up more than they receive.

One notable case is the use of the word “Allah”. For the last 31 years, the Christian community has been fighting for the right to use the word “Allah”. My review of Miroslav Volf ‘s Allah: The Christian Response. The Muslims claimed that Allah refers to their God and no one else can use this term except them. In fact, Allah has been used by Arab Christian before the Islam was founded. This has resulted in the government seizing and impounding Bibles and Christian books with this word. The Malay Bible (Alkitab) uses Allah and all shipments were impounded and detained by the Home Ministry. The matter come a head when the government refused a license for the Catholic Church to print its Malay language weekly gazette Herald which uses the word Allah (see timeline here). The Catholic Church took the case to court. The Catholic Church won, allowing the Herald to use the word Allah.

The government appeals against the court’s ruling and the appeal is still pending. After waiting patiently for another year, the Christian community applied pressure on the government to release the Alkitab. The government responded by releasing it after unilaterally placing a stamp on the inner cover of the Alkitab notifying that is for Christian use only by “order of the Home Ministry”. There are various reactions from the Christian community from “Praise the Lord” to cries of desecration of the Bible (see here and here).

What will Karl Barth do?

I will suggest the following that Karl Barth will advocate for the following:

(1) The Christian community should stand for God
Karl Barth will be careful to point out that a printed text such as what is call the Bible is distinct from the Word of God though it is a means by which the Word of God is revealed. However, he will be the first to point out that any attempt to restrict or insult the Word of God is not acceptable. Note his response to the Bible burning in Nazi Germany.

(2) The Christian community should address injustice
Social justice figured prominently in the Word of God. Though church proclamation has understood social injustice in different ways and hence their different responses, their commonality is to address social injustices. Justice includes the right to choose. The Word of God reveals a God who offers humankind the right to choose even though they may choose to reject him. Though Barth was dealing with the State Lutheran Church in Germany, his principles of social justice is applicable in Malaysia. Citizens of Malaysia have freedom of worship as guaranteed by their constitution and this freedom includes the freedom to have copies of their sacred texts without any addition by the authorities.

(3) The Christian community shall be proactive and visible.
The Christian community is often perceived by the other communities as being negative by usually taking a stand against but rarely taking a stand for. The Christian community must be seen to be united and be proactive in nation building. In response to the Alkitab banning and detention, the Christian community should make visible their protest. While emails and a few blog posts are helpful, a mass Christian prayer rally will make a greater impact and create greater public awareness of the Christians’ plight. The Word of God directs Christians to pray for those who are against them. The Church proclamation should involve not just itself but also the other communities it is part of. Barth's involvement with the Confessing Church in Nazi Germany is an example of this.

This is how I would envisage Karl Barth’s response to the situation in Malaysia by trying to see his response through the prolegomena of the Church Dogmatics.


Spring Tulips Coloring Page

Spring Tulips Coloring Page

Spring Coloring Pages

Spring Gardening Coloring Page

Spring Gardening Coloring Page

Spring Coloring Pages

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Spring Blossom Tree Coloring Page

Spring Blossom Tree Coloring Page

Spring Coloring Pages

Spring Birds Coloring Page

Spring Birds Coloring Page

Spring Coloring Pages

Spring Flowers Coloring Page

Spring Flowers Coloring Page

Spring Coloring Pages

Spring Street Coloring Page

Spring Street Coloring Pages

Spring Coloring Pages

The Seven Aspects of True Prayer

Easter, Spring crafts

I found this adorable table decoration on Tip Junkie with instructions, tutorial on DIY showing how to make it.  I will be heading to my local Michael's store to get the supplies I need and to Bed Bath and Beyond to find a milky white vase.

For the rabbit figurines I have an adorable green bunny figurine and green egg candles I will be using

in my Easter/Spring tablescape and will make the centerpiece with Forsythia, in a white vase, and styrofoam eggs which spell out Happy Easter hanging from the Forsythia .

The supplies I need are

  • Creamy white vase (Scour thrift stores/etc.)
  • White ribbon  ( try getting materials at dollar store)
  • Straight pins
  • Deco Art Paint (I used Americana Gloss Enamels in yellow)
  • White bunnies 
  • Paper Mache Eggs x 11 (I used styrofoam eggs)
  • Faux Forsythia (at Michaels )
This is the white vase I am using, the forsythia looked gorgeous with the sun streaming in on the table.
The next step to my version of this project will be to add the eggs hanging on ribbon from the branches of the forsythia. I purchased styrfoam eggs as opposed to the paper mache eggs suggested, hope it works.

I will Paint the styrofoam eggs and than use a sharpie to write each letter that will spell out Happy Easter.
I followed the directions from DIY the picture was from DIY.  

I will post pictures after I complete this craft project, can't wait to start, it's been a long time since I attempted a craft project.  

Easter, Spring crafts

I found this adorable table decoration on Tip Junkie with instructions, tutorial on DIY showing how to make it.  I will be heading to my local Michael's store to get the supplies I need and to Bed Bath and Beyond to find a milky white vase.

For the rabbit figurines I have an adorable green bunny figurine and green egg candles I will be using

in my Easter/Spring tablescape and will make the centerpiece with Forsythia, in a white vase, and styrofoam eggs which spell out Happy Easter hanging from the Forsythia .

The supplies I need are

  • Creamy white vase (Scour thrift stores/etc.)
  • White ribbon  ( try getting materials at dollar store)
  • Straight pins
  • Deco Art Paint (I used Americana Gloss Enamels in yellow)
  • White bunnies 
  • Paper Mache Eggs x 11 (I used styrofoam eggs)
  • Faux Forsythia (at Michaels )
This is the white vase I am using, the forsythia looked gorgeous with the sun streaming in on the table.
The next step to my version of this project will be to add the eggs hanging on ribbon from the branches of the forsythia. I purchased styrfoam eggs as opposed to the paper mache eggs suggested, hope it works.

I will Paint the styrofoam eggs and than use a sharpie to write each letter that will spell out Happy Easter.
I followed the directions from DIY the picture was from DIY.  

I will post pictures after I complete this craft project, can't wait to start, it's been a long time since I attempted a craft project.  

Monday, March 21, 2011

Godspace Lenten Series

Christine Sine in her blog Godspace has a synchroblog for Lent. She has graciously included one of my meditations in per blog

Following Jesus – Lenten Focus by Alex Tang

Today’s post comes from Alex Tang, a senior consultant paediatrician at the Johor Specialist Hospital, Johor Bahru and an adjunct teaching faculty of Monash University School of Medicine in Malaysia.  His books include Random Musings From a Doctor’s Chair.  He is founder of the Spiritual Formation Institute at the Holy Light Church in Johor Bahru.  His special interests are in theology, philosophy, spiritual formation, Christian spirituality and biomedical ethics.

This post first appeared on Alex tang’s blog: Random Musing’s From a Doctor’s Chair


You ask me to follow you? To be a fisher of men? Aren’t you just a carpenter? And the son of a carpenter? What do you know about fishing? Who do you think you are? And why should I follow you?

What? Yes, I must admit that I have heard rumours of your so-called miracles; the blind can see and the deaf can hear. Me? I’m seeing and hearing just fine. I have a thriving business here and have branches in Tarsus and Derby. That’s in Greece, you know. I have a beautiful wife and many children. Yes, children are a gift from God and my quiver is full. Too full, I sometimes feel. I am a respected leader in the community. In the evening I sit at the gate with the other leaders of this community and share my wisdom with them. In the synagogue I have a honoured place by the eastern wall. I serve my God well. I am not fanatical as the Pharisees in following rules. Well okay, sometimes I bend them a bit. Then I am not so crazy as the Essenes with their monastic ideals. I am seeing and hearing just fine.

Erh? You want me to follow you and leave all these behind? Do you know how much work I have put in to become who I am today? You do? Stop looking at me with those piercing eyes! Sometimes I feel that you are looking directly into my soul. I am a good man I am. Well maybe there are a few dark secrets I keep. Okay, okay, more than a few. But then who hasn’t? Well maybe I play too easy with the rules in my business. You know what they say, as long as you don’t get caught… Will you stop looking at me that way? Yes, I am sometimes a hypocrite in my dealings others and sometimes I pretend to know when I don’t. But I do have to keep their respect, don’t I?

Again with the following. You don’t exactly live in five-stars hotels in your wandering. I like my comfort. I deserved it after working so hard, don’t I? What, you want me to shake your hand? Oh, to see your hands. Man, your hand is so hard and rough. So many scars and calluses. Must be hard being a carpenter, eh? No power tools. Okay, okay, you work hard too. Who is going to look after my wife and kids when I am following you? Who is going to take care of my business when we are gone? Your Abba in heaven. You mean the One whose name we must not say. Your Abba? Woh, let me get out of the way. Lightning strike time.

Follow you, Jesus of Nazareth? Give me one good reason why I should. What do you mean I have to give you reasons why I should not?

Thanks, Christine. Here are some of the other contributors and their posts

The posts for this Lenten Series on Following Jesus What Difference Does it Make have been both thought provoking and inspiring. and readers are loving it.  I hope that you will continue to read along with us through the following weeks.   Here is the list for those of you that have missed them.A prayer for the Second Sunday of Lent
Eugene Cho - Giving Up Coffee or My Life
Tim Dalton – Following Jesus What Difference Does it Make
Paula Mitchell – The Grace to Trust
Jeff Johnson – Christ Has Walked this Path A Lenten video
Christine Sine – Where is God in the Midst of Disaster?
Keith Giles – Nobody Follows Jesus So Why Should You?
Ron Cole – Leaving to Find Church
Jon Stevens – You Do Not Need To Go To Seminary to Follow Jesus
Christine Sine – Earthquake In Japan How Do We Pray?
John Van de Laar – Into The Desert
Lynne Baab - Freedom From Fear of Death
A Lenten Prayer by Ignatius Loyola
Another Ash Wednesday Prayer
Ash Wednesday Prayer 2011


One liners for Karl Barth's Church Dogmatics

Wanna read Karl Barth's Church Dogmatics in a week? Over at the Faith and Theology blog, Benjamin Myers gives us a shorter version.

Church Dogmatics in a week

Karl Barth’s Church Dogmatics is one of the longest theological works ever written. The work was published as 13 massive tomes; and although Barth had planned to divide the work into five main volumes, he did not live long enough to complete even the fourth volume.

With that disclaimer aside, let me now heartlessly betray Barth by offering a sort of fast-food version of the Church Dogmatics....

  • Ode to Church Dogmatics (a poem)

  • Church Dogmatics: summary of the whole work

  • Church Dogmatics I/1

  • Church Dogmatics I/2

  • Church Dogmatics II/1

  • Church Dogmatics II/2

  • Church Dogmatics III/1

  • Church Dogmatics III/2

  • Church Dogmatics III/3

  • Church Dogmatics III/4

  • Church Dogmatics IV/1

  • Church Dogmatics IV/2

  • Church Dogmatics IV/3

  • Church Dogmatics IV/4 (fragment)

  • Church Dogmatics: more to come

  • Church Dogmatics: some personal choices

  • Church Dogmatics: more personal choices

  • read more

    HT: Sivin


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    First of all on my first trip to Kroger I am proud to say I saved $14.73 by using all the rewards Kroger has to offer, sale items and using coupons plus earned 80 points toward savings on gasoline.

    The first thing we did was to apply for their reward card called "the Kroger Plus Card" you can save money right away, load ecoupons right on the card and get points toward savings on gasoline.. It's the "smart card". There's even a iPhone app for the card!

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    Manage money better with Kroger and our tips!

    My experience shopping at Kroger saving on gas and groceries!

    First of all on my first trip to Kroger I am proud to say I saved $14.73 by using all the rewards Kroger has to offer, sale items and using coupons plus earned 80 points toward savings on gasoline.

    The first thing we did was to apply for their reward card called "the Kroger Plus Card" you can save money right away, load ecoupons right on the card and get points toward savings on gasoline.. It's the "smart card". There's even a iPhone app for the card!

    Than we purchased a $100 , 123 reward debit card. with it you can manage your money better. Every 1,000 points you earn = $5 in free groceries*.

    Check out all the ways you can save on gas and groceries at Kroger yourself! Our blog is all about getting wealthy by saving and earning with good strong at home businesses.

    Manage money better with Kroger and our tips!

    Sunday, March 20, 2011

    Why Defacement of the Alkitab is Desecration

    nkw expands on his earlier post 

    Why Defacement of the Alkitab is Desecration
    By nkw

    Some government officials have claimed that Christians are making an unnecessary fuss over the recent stamping of the Alkitab seized in Port Klang and Kuching. After all, they say, the Government also requires copies of the Quran to be chopped/stamped with a notice of government approval before they are sold in the shops.

    Even some Christians also wonder why such a big deal is being made about the stamping since Christians, unlike Muslims, do not regard printed copies of the Bible with reverence. It is just a printed text. What matters is the message conveyed by the Bible.

    This article seeks to address the failure to understand the reason for rejecting the stamping of the Alkitab.

    read more


    Lenten Focus: Following Jesus (2)

    The crowd was beginning to be restless when the man sitting on the mountainside started to speak. His voice was quiet and gentle yet carry with it power and authority. "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven" (Matt.5). Slowly and carefully, he explained the beatitudes. The he said, " For I tell you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law, you will certainly not enter the kingdom of heaven" (Matt.5:20). The rest of chapter 5 is about the Scribes while chapter 6 deals specifically with the Pharisees in aspect of giving, prayer and fasting. While talking about prayer, the man suddenly sidetracked.

    "This, then, is how you should pray:

    " `Our Father in heaven,
    hallowed be your name,
    your kingdom come,
    your will be done
    on earth as it is in heaven.
    Give us today our daily bread.
    Forgive us our debts,
    as we also have forgiven our debtors.
    And lead us not into temptation,
    but deliver us from the evil one. '(NIV)

    What a beautiful and  inspiring pattern of prayer this man has given us. This prayer contains the seven 'A' approach to prayer.

    1. Approaching God in a direct and intimate way
    2. Adoring of the Creator and Almighty
    3. Acknowledging his work and his worth, in praise and worship
    4. Accepting from God one’s own situation as he has shaped it
    5. Admitting sin, and seeking pardon
    6. Asking that needs be met, for ourselves and others
    7. Adhering to God in faithfulness through thick and thin

    What a wonderful model prayer! So complete and comprehensive. This man, Jesus Christ, must be a master in praying. It is comforting to know that at his moment, he is up there in heaven praying for us directly to the Father.

    Why I follow Jesus? He is a master at the art of prayer and I want to learn to pray like he does.

    Meditation:  Are you happy with your prayer life? How do we pray like Jesus?

    picture source

    Iron Man Anime

    This 12 episodes only Iron Man anime is clearly a class above the other animated Marvels and D.C. series. The animation is so fluid that it is a delight to watch. The storyline is also good. That it is an anime and is Japanese in nature is clear. The dialogue is in Japanese so I was only able to understand by the subtitles only. The translation too is well done.

    From Wiki

    Iron Man (アイアンマン Aian Man?) is the first show of the series with 12 episodes. The series was directed by Yuzo Sato with Warren Ellis writing the story. A special preview ran on Animax on September 25, 2010, before the series began airing on October 1, 2010, and ended on December 17, 2010.

    Tony Stark goes to Japan to produce a new arc station and showcase the Iron Man Dio, a new prototype armor, that will replace him when he retires. However, the Dio goes out of control and it is up to Tony as Iron Man to stop it along with an organization called the Zodiac.

    Marvel Anime is a four-part anime project with collaborations from both Marvel Entertainment and Madhouse. The project will take famous Marvel characters and reintroduce them for a Japanese audience in a 12-part series. The announcement was confirmed at the 2009 San Diego Comic-Con. The other two is Wolverine and the X-men and also take place in Japan. The fourth is still not announced yet.

    St. Patrick’s Day Leprechaun Coloring Pages

    St. Patrick’s Day Leprechaun Coloring Pages

    Leprechaun Coloring Pages,st patricks day,leprechaun
    Leprechaun Coloring Pages,st patricks day,leprechaun
    Leprechaun Coloring Pages,st patricks day,leprechaun

    Wrapped Easter Egg Coloring Pages

    Wrapped Easter Egg Coloring Pages

    Easter Coloring Pages,Easter